Taman Cerdas was a four month pilot education program for children, ages 6-15, in Plesungan village near Surakarta, Indonesia. Running from May to August 2008, it offered free two-hour classes twice a week in math, traditional Javanese dance, music, and puppet-making with English.
Taman Cerdas brought together a team of teachers from Europe and Indonesia: Susana Miranti Kröber (Puppets/English); Desi Fitria Utami (Math); Sri Setyoasih (Traditional Javanese Dance); and Galih Nagasena (Music).
The program culminated with a performance of Cinderella, which was directed by teacher Susana Miranti Kröber, in collaboration with acting coach Safrudin, dance instructor Sri Setyoasih, music teacher Galih Nagasena and the children of Plesungan.
Taman Cerdas was a partnership between Sally E. Dean Performing Arts, Padepokan Lemah Putih, the Plesungan Community, led by Bapak Ikhsan, and the teachers.
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