
Kolaborasi Projects | Pasar Pentas
The Kolaborasi Project has supported American and British artists to participate in performances in Javanese traditional markets in Surakarta, Indonesia, alongside and involving Indonesian artists and market vendors, in May 2007 and March 2008. The events, organized by Pak Suprapto Suryodarmo, Pak Hadi, and head market organizers, were intended to bring awareness to the role and value of traditional markets in the face of the rapid expansion of supermarkets. |
At Surakarta's Pasar Kembang (Flower Market), as part of a festival of art in local traditional markets (Festival Seni Pasar Kumandang), Indonesian performers in a variety of styles were joined by Alex Crowe and Sally Dean, respectively British and American artists, in collaboration with Javanese music group Trio Gondrong, in a short piece entitled Objects and Longings. |
Dewi Tahu (Tofu Goddess) was a collaboration between Sally E. Dean and Javanese women tofu sellers with dance and singing, presented at Surakarta's Pasar Nusukan market as part of the Festival Pasar Laras Laris in March 2008. |
The experience gained will form the basis for a future Kolaborasi project using participatory artistic process to explore and celebrate the lives and work of the women market vendors. It is currently envisaged as issuing in a book of photographs and stories, with participants receiving proceeds from its sale. |
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copyright Sally E. Dean Performing Arts, Inc. |
Site Design by luistentindo.com |
Top Right: Cambodia Contemporary Dance/Theatre performance project photo: performer: Chumvan Sodhachivy. Event: Bedhog Arts Night 2007. |